Can You Get Maximum Compensation in a No-Fault Car Accident Settlement in Florida?

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Can You Get Maximum Compensation in a No-Fault Car Accident Settlement in Florida?

You can get maximum compensation for your no-fault car accident even when all your insurance coverage has been exhausted. You have the option to file a claim with the at-fault driver's insurance company.

Florida is one of the few states that have no-fault insurance. Thus, when you're in a car accident and have car insurance, your personal injury protection (PIP) can pay your doctors $10,000 for your medical bills.

But what if you suffer a severe injury and require surgery or other expensive medical services and treatments? Getting the highest compensation possible for your claim requires a personal injury lawyer's experience and knowledge.

How to Maximize Your Car Accident Case Value

If, for example, the other driver was arrested for drunk driving, this could add value to your case because you can claim punitive damages. If the other vehicle was a big rig, your case could be worth more because trucking claims adjusters are used to settling substantial cases and have a reputation for paying more money than car insurers.

To estimate how much your no-fault car accident case is worth, you can add your out-of-pocket medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You can recover money for pain and suffering when another driver's negligence caused your serious injuries. The most significant factors that influence your case value are often:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • The amount of available insurance

Contact The Law Offices of Sean M. Cleary if You Were Injured in a No-Fault Car Accident

Besides the severity of injuries, long-term disabilities suffered, the type of insurance and its limit, and the amount of insurance coverage that the other driver has, the difficulty of getting the maximum possible compensation for your car accident injury depends on different criteria:

  • The evidence you bring to support the claim. You need to preserve right away any evidence related to the car crash, like in-vehicle black boxes, tell a doctor about your severe pain, and follow up with any necessary treatment. If your physician does not document your injury in your medical records, you cannot expect a big payout.
  • Your attorney's ability to negotiate or convince a judge or jury.
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