Panama City Beach Parasailing Accident Ends in Lawsuit for Aquatic Adventures

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Panama City Beach Parasailing Accident Ends in Lawsuit for Aquatic Adventures

Two Indiana teens were in critical condition after a freak parasailing accident in Panama City Beach, FL.

Sidney Good and Alexis Fairchild, 17, were parasailing behind the "Why Knot," a vessel owned and operated by Aquatic Adventures, when a storm kicked up strong winds, and the tether between their harness and the boat detached. The girls were flung into a building, power lines, and parked cars after their parasailing rope snapped.

Both girls were hospitalized with serious injuries and spent months rehabbing. Good still suffers from long-term health issues from the horrible accident and sustained:

  • A cracked portion of her spinal cord
  • Brain trauma
  • Double vision
  • Loss of peripheral vision

Three days after the accident, troubling allegations have emerged about the Aquatic Adventures parasailing company's past. Alexis Fairchild's parents have filed a lawsuit, naming parasail operator Aquatic Adventures Management Group and its owner Jeff Jones as defendants, along with Treasure Island Resort Rentals, the resort where Fairchild stayed while on vacation from Indiana. The suit seeks unspecified damages of more than $15,000 and alleges negligence.

Aquatic Adventures intends to vigorously defend itself, although court records show that they have been sued at least twice before by people injured during parasail outings with the company. The suit alleges Aquatic Adventures and its owner were negligent by:

  • Taking Fairchild out in dangerous weather
  • Operating too close to the shore
  • Using unsafe equipment

The third defendant, in this case, Treasure Island Resort Rentals, advertised and sold outings with Aquatic Adventures, and was negligent by failing to ensure:

  • The company was qualified
  • Appropriate safety equipment

Legislators have pointed to the incident as an example of the need for greater regulation of parasail operators and filed bills that would:

  • Require operators to carry insurance
  • Carry equipment to more closely monitor weather conditions
  • Operate a safe distance from shore

Miami Parasailing Accidents Statistics

Currently, there are approximately 238 commercial parasail concessions in the U.S. and its territories operating 637+ commercial parasail tow vessels. Approximately 3.8 million people enjoy this sport each year. However, there are no federal regulations governing:

  • Parasailing operations
  • Equipment inspection
  • Equipment replacement
  • Equipment standards

There were 130 million estimated total rides over the course of 30 years, of which:

  • 1240 resulted in minor injuries
  • 429 in serious injuries requiring hospitalization
  • The statistics show 73 fatalities
  • 58 deaths due to the passenger support system
  • Ten deaths were caused by passenger equipment failure
  • Five fatalities due to unknown causes

98% of all parasail fatalities result from the parasailor's inability to escape from a harness passenger support system following an unplanned water landing in high winds. Although parasailing deaths worldwide are rare, there have been four deaths in Florida in over just two years. To prevent future parasail fatalities, the RULE 26/44 provision that places restrictions on Passenger Support Systems and Canopy size should be included in any new commercial parasailing regulations.

When Do Parasailing Accidents Occur and What Injuries Can They Cause?

Most accidents occur with unfavorable wind and weather conditions. More than half of the accidents happen in the start phase, followed by the landing phase, and last during the flight phase. The causes of parasailing accidents include:

  • Unfavorable wind and weather conditions
  • Harness failure
  • Tandem failure
  • Mechanical failure of winches or towboats
  • Other equipment failures
  • Lack of operator training

As to the sites of the injuries, the lower body is more prone to injuries than the upper extremity. Serious injuries resulting from a parasailing accident are usually:

Parasailing Accidents Liability & Documents Needed for Building a Case

Parasailing is part of the vacation-related services that may be subject to premises liability law and resort tort actions. The victim has the legal right to file a claim against negligent parties for damages in a civil court proceeding. The parties that can be sued in the event of an accident include:

  • Hotels
  • Cruise lines
  • Resorts providing parasailing services
  • The parasailing company
  • Operators
  • Manufacturers, in case of faulty equipment

If you believe you have a case, building a strong one depends on several key documents that you need to have to pursue compensation that covers:

  • Medical expenses: medical bills and estimated future costs of your treatment and recovery
  • Pain and mental anguish: estimated future costs of your treatment and recovery
  • Loss of earnings and diminished earning capacity: assessment of your lost ability to earn wages
  • Other permanent or long-term damages that affect your life

How Can Miami Attorney Sean M. Cleary Help?

Defective Product Lawyer

Mr. Cleary is equipped with knowledge, skills, and resources to challenge even the most well-known resorts and parasailing companies operating in Florida.

Injuries that occur in vacation areas require a different type of legal approach because:

  • The resort hotel personnel usually denies responsibility
  • The multibillion-dollar company has the most aggressive lawyers on its side
  • They insistently encourage you to accept a settlement that is far less than you deserve
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