What are the estimated long-term costs of an amputation?

The long-term costs associated with an amputation are on average between $100,000 and $500,000 because amputees are going to require multiple prescriptions of prosthetics. Ongoing access to high-quality prosthetics is crucial for someone who has suffered amputation. The lawyer representing you needs to have a real expertise, to be able to get the contacts with rehabilitation and prosthetic facilities.

What are the estimated long-term costs of an amputation?

There are an estimated 1.9 million amputees in the United States, and approximately 185,000 amputation surgeries performed each year. Of those amputations performed, 82% are caused by diabetes and peripheral vascular disease.

The lifetime medical care costs for a person with an amputation (prosthetic costs included) are estimated to reach more than $500,000.

Depending on the level and complexity of the amputation, prosthetic costs vary. For example, according to a recent study by the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs, 5-year prosthetic costs are:

  • $450,000 for someone with multiple limb amputations;
  • $230,000 for an individual with a unilateral lower-limb amputation;
  • $117,000 for someone dealing with a unilateral upper-limb amputation.

If you need legal representation please call our Miami-based office.

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