If you are involved in an ATV accident it is important to get medical help as soon as possible, to collect information from all those involved or present, to call the police, to file a report, and to contact a personal injury lawyer. Under his advice, discuss the case with your insurance company.
As ATV accidents can result in severe injuries or even death, get medical assistance as soon as possible. Although any accident is shocking by nature, try and keep calm and follow these steps:
Do not leave the scene of the accident: you might face criminal charges. Do not change the position of the ATV unless necessary (if the victim is trapped, for example), and refrain from admitting liability or providing any statements, as details have to be investigated first. Reporting the accident to the local police is also recommended or even mandatory depending on the severity of the damages. You should also preserve all evidence of the crash including damages to the vehicle, contact details of other persons involved, and your medical bills.
If you, or a loved one, sustained an ATV accident injury, seek the advice and assistance of qualified legal counsel even if you do not intend to file a claim. This way you can make an informed decision by being apprised of your rights and obligations.
It can be challenging to determine who was at fault and whether there is an applicable insurance policy, but Sean Cleary is experienced in handling these matters.
In the event of a defect, you may choose to pursue an ATV injury claim against the manufacturer. If you have any questions about ATV accident law, please call today.