Do I need expert witnesses for my high net worth divorce?

Expert witnesses are often used when a dispute exists. These consulting and/ or testifying experts are frequently utilized and can play a significant role in a high net worth divorce case.

Do I need expert witnesses for my high net worth divorce?

Along with enlisting the services of a proficient high net worth divorce attorney, individuals seeking marriage dissolution are known to require additional guidance from other professionals.

For example, a financial advisor can provide expert witness testimony relating to the value of certain assets or deliver an accurate analysis of financial documents.

Expert witnesses provide unbiased assessments of portfolios or opinions on facts that can shed light on complex matters in high net worth divorce cases.

The use of experts can ensure that spouses receive equitable financial compensation by assisting the courts in determining the appropriate division of property and debts or establishing an adequate spousal maintenance and parenting time agreement.

An expert witness can be invaluable for your high net worth divorce case

The witness first needs to be specialized in the area of focus to testify as an expert, provide evidence, and assist the court in determining the facts in a matter. The expert witness can facilitate the court’s understanding of financial, technological, psychological, and social issues.

Depending on the high net worth divorce specifics and complexities, expert witnesses may have minimal involvement or play a considerable role in the proceedings. They aid the decision-making process of the court. These experts can be:

  • accountants
  • real estate or business appraisers
  • pension valuators
  • wealth managers
  • financial advisors
  • vocational experts
  • physicians and mental health specialists
  • social workers
  • child custody evaluators

The roles of expert witnesses in a high net worth divorce are established based on their contribution in various stages of the divorce proceedings. Depending on the nature of the expert witness, they can contribute by:

  • collecting information
  • providing an initial case review
  • providing a report of their findings
  • testifying at trial

The testimony of an expert witness is deemed reliable under the following stipulations:

  • it is based on sufficient data and facts
  • it is the result of steadfast methods and principles thoroughly applied to the case

Only a competent high net worth divorce attorney can know when to enlist the help of an expert witness to support the case, whether that person is qualified to fill such a role, and whether their testimony is, in fact, reliable. The only exception is when such a witness is appointed by the court.

If you are considering filing for a high net worth divorce, you can set up a free-of-charge initial consultation to receive the required assistance with The Law Offices of Sean M. Cleary. Our principal attorney can advise you whether or not it is beneficial for your case to work with at least one other specialist to reach a fair settlement.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this site is not formal legal advice, also the site does not allow you to form an attorney-client relationship.