How much compensation can I receive for a successful toxic baby food claim?

It depends. You can receive a payout of $100,000 to $1,000,000. However, the exact amount is dependent on the specific details of your case.

In product liability cases, no amount of money can actually make up for the harm caused by toxic baby food. Despite having said that, we can all agree that fair financial compensation can still be of great help to affected families.

The payout you can receive may help cover your family's medical and healthcare expenses and the long-term care your child needs.

While you can receive a payout of $100,000 to more than $1,000,000, it's essential to know that the definite compensation that may be awarded to you greatly depends on the following factors:

  • The severity of your child's condition
  • The time your child was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
  • The suffering and emotional pain caused by your child's medical condition
  • The cost of medical care, treatments, therapy sessions, and long-term care your child may need

Furthermore, the calculation of your payout will also take into account the loss of income. This comes in two-fold. First is your child's ability to work and make a living in the future. Second is if one or both of the child's parents have reduced their work hours or stopped working entirely to care for the child. Lost wages (both for parents and their child's future ability to earn) can influence how much compensation you receive from a toxic baby food claim.

Remember that the legal battles surrounding toxic baby food products are still ongoing. So, if the liable companies are found to have been negligent or at fault, the compensation victims may receive is likely to increase.

Hire a trusted product liability lawyer to get the maximum compensation for your toxic baby food claim

Your family, especially your child, deserves the best chance to get the maximum compensation for a toxic baby food claim. An experienced product liability attorney can give you the best chances of doing so. We at The Law Offices of Sean M. Cleary are ready to support you in pursuing justice for your child. Contact us today so we can evaluate your case, file your claim, and answer any questions you have regarding the product liability claims process.