Is an autism diagnosis required to file a toxic baby food claim?

Yes. You will need a formal medical autism diagnosis to file a toxic baby food claim. Your child must have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder before turning six years old to qualify.

Is an autism diagnosis required to file a toxic baby food claim?

When a child consumes heavy metals, their growth and development can be significantly affected. Infants and toddlers exposed to high doses of mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium found in toxic baby food may have developed autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parents can file a toxic baby food claim if their child has one of these four autism diagnosis:

  • Kanner's syndrome
  • Asperger's syndrome
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder
  • Pervasive developmental disorder

Do note that your child must have been formally diagnosed with an ASD prior to their sixth birthday. Unfortunately, an autism diagnosis made after the age of six does not qualify for legal action, even if your child was already exhibiting prior symptoms.

A qualified product liability lawyer can assist you with your toxic baby food claim

Choosing the right product liability lawyer can make all the difference when pursuing a toxic baby food claim for your child. If your child's autism diagnosis is linked to toxic baby food exposure, don't hesitate to get in touch with the The Law Office of Sean M. Cleary. Our dedicated legal team is ready to lend a helping hand to families who wish to file a toxic baby food claim.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this site is not formal legal advice, also the site does not allow you to form an attorney-client relationship.